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Jin Jo

“I went to an American-curriculum boarding school in South Korea. After being accepted to several universities in the US, I found out about PPLE during my gap year. I always wanted to study not only Economics but also Law and Politics so I thought that PPLE might be the perfect programme for me. Before starting the PPLE programme I had never been to a European country before. Initially, I came to the Netherlands only because of my studies but I also fell in love with Amsterdam very quickly. Now I can say that it was the absolute right choice for me. I also cannot imagine my life without my friends from PPLE anymore.

The PPLE community consists of students from various cultural backgrounds which allows me to learn more about other cultures. I feel like I am becoming more of a cosmopolitan every time I get to know new people through the classes I follow. Personally, I had a hard time studying remotely in South Korea during the Corona pandemic. However, the many zoom meetings I had with PPLE study advisers and my mentor helped me a lot. In the end, I participated in a few workshops provided by the UvA which really helped me to adapt to university life while having remote classes.”