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Lizan Nijkrake

“I am an academic tutor at PPLE – and have been since 2019. My background is in law; as a tutor I coordinate and teach two PPLE courses: Law, Justice and Morality and Public International Law. My previous work experiences include positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs  in The Hague and the United Nations in New York. Besides teaching, I currently work in journalism and am involved with multiple societal organisations and projects, for instance at the Democracy and Media Foundation in Amsterdam. At PPLE, I also coordinate the Talent Development Programme; a student-led initiative that encourages initiatives of students adding to their personal, professional and academic growth.

I love teaching at PPLE, as students come from various international and cultural backgrounds, are generally highly engaged, socially sensitive and analytically strong – which sparks rich conversations and debates in class. Magic happens when theories and academic literature “click(s)” with students – and they develop their own ideas to critically build on current affairs and existing theories. Students are encouraged to develop their own ideas, grow as authentic persons and foster change in their surroundings. In my interactions with students, which are rather informal and personal, I always aim to stimulate their growth in that sense.

PPLE, in my view, embodies an educational path that prepares students for dealing with wicked, complex societal issues because of its interdisciplinary nature; and offers a safe and socially engaging learning environment to do so.”