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Actually, a wide range of Master’s degrees is on the table after graduating from PPLE College. To give you an immediate overview of the range of possibilities, take a look at the list per major or start your search with our Master's Database.
PPLE's Master's Database

Based on data collected from LinkedIn in 2024, the database contains the location, school and programme where PPLE alumni have pursued graduate or PhD degrees.  Filter your search by country, degree title, the field of study of the graduate programme, the region and the alum's major they followed at PPLE College. 

Take a look at the list below to see some of the Master's programmes our PPLE students have pursued, showing the breadth of options for each major and giving a quick impression of what’s possible. As the world and the job market evolve, admission requirements may also evolve, so stay informed - but let this list inspire you to explore further.


  • Conflict Resolution and Governance - University of Amsterdam
  • Countering Crime and Organised Terrorism - University College London
  • Peace and Conflict Studies - University of Queensland Brisbane
  • Political Science - University of Amsterdam, Leiden University
  • Public Administration - Utrecht University
  • Sustainability Science, Policy and Society - Maastricht University
  • Culture and Conflict in a Global Europe - London School of Economics


  • Behaviour Change - University College London
  • Legal Psychology - Maastricht University
  • Cognitive Neuroscience - University College London
  • Brain and Cognition in Society - University of Amsterdam 


  • Legal Philosophy - Leiden University 
  • Joint Nordic Master's Programme in Environmental Law
  • Criminal Law - University of Amsterdam
  • European Competition Law - University of Amsterdam
  • Global Environment and Climate Change Law - University of Edinburgh


  • Business and Management - Écoles des Hautes Études Commerciales Paris
  • Finance and Investments - Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • LLM in International Banking Law and Finance - University of Edinburgh
  • MSc Economics and Operations Research - VU 
  • Socio-Ecological Economic Policy - Wirtschaftsuniversiät Wien

Other (other disciplines or interdisciplinary)

  • Communication Science - University of Amsterdam
  • Gender Studies - Tel Aviv University
  • Social Science of the Internet - University of Oxford
  • Political Economy - University of Amsterdam
  • Law and Finance - University of Amsterdam