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Entrepreneurship, social commitment and creativity thrive within PPLE's and the UvA's student body. Time and again, students put their ideas into practice in great initiatives, both during their studies and beyond.
Niklas Huppmann

Covaid Africa

Student Niklas Huppmann started a fundraising campaign to raise money for medical support during the Corona pandemic in Africa – with success! 500 ambassadors, 12 concerts featuring 35 artists and $25000 raised for Doctors Without Borders later, his efforts were able to provide medical support for three months for 60,000 African people.

The campaign has developed into a broader initiative, nowadays:  HumanAid will be a permanent organisation, running short-term fundraising campaigns like Covaid Africa throughout the year.

De Kiesmannen during the PPLE Election Symposium

De Kiesmannen

De Kiesmannen develop impactful productions to activate young people on thinking about elections and other social issues. Co-founder of de Kiesmannen? A PPLE Alumnus! Read more about them here.

Our Bodies Our Voices

Our Body Our Voices

Our Bodies Our Voice is a non-profit foundation that aims to prevent sexual violence and establish consent culture at universities in the Netherlands through workshops and trainings. It originally started as a student initiative, with PPLE students in particular involved in its establishment. Later, it evolved into an independent foundation that isn't officially linked to PPLE anymore. We still have strong ties with Our Bodies Our Voices and collaborate regularly, for student workshops as well as for staff workshops.

Pandemic magazine

Yep, our students were on it even before the actual pandemic had started. In 2016, some students developed the pandemic magazine. You can read the first issue here.