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The tuition fees for the academic year 2024-2025 are:

  • Dutch and EU/EEA students €5,060 per year
  • Non-EU/EEA students € 14,300 per year

Dutch student grants

Dutch students are eligible for monthly student grants from the Dutch government. In certain cases it is also possible for other EU students to receive this student grant from the Dutch government (i.e. DUO-IB Group). Visit for more information and to find out whether this applies to you.

Financial support for non-Dutch students

Some countries give their students financial support when they enrol in regular degree programmes abroad, either directly (in the form of a monthly grant or loan) or indirectly, through tax benefits for your parents. Please contact your national education authority for more information about financial support from your home country.

For some first year EEA students who have not studied in the Netherlands before a further reduction to the tuition fee in the first year may apply. This only applies if you pay the statury fee. You can find more information on the website of the Dutch government.