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Our application guide is your roadmap throughout the PPLE admissions process, providing you with practical information and important details every step along the way. Take your time, explore the resources provided, and start your admission journey to PPLE College well-prepared.
  • 1. Register via Studielink (well before February 1st)
  • 2. Submit all required documents to PPLE College (by February 1st, 23.59 CET)

    Within 72 hours of requesting enrolment in PPLE via Studielink, you will receive your UvAnetID, which is your means of identification for the entire admission process. You will also be granted access to the PPLE application portal via SIS. This is where you can upload all required documents for your application to PPLE. 

    Here’s what we need from you: 

    • Your academic transcripts (and diplomas if applicable), demonstrating that you meet  PPLE's entry requirements 

    • Your CV and personal statement in support of your application

    • English and math proficiency exam score reports (if necessary)

    Are you wondering what to write in your personal statement or is this your first time writing a CV? We have put together instructions and guidance to give you a clear picture of what we expect from these documents. 

    Application deadline

    The deadline for submitting your application, via the SIS portal is 1 February 2025. Check the application checklist before submitting your application to ensure you have uploaded all the required documents.

    Please note that only complete application submitted via SIS will be taken into consideration; requesting enrolment in Studielink alone is not sufficient.

    After submitting your application 

    The PPLE Admissions Office will evaluate your application file and contact you if any documents are missing. All applicants will be informed of whether or not they have been invited to the second application round in mid-March.

  • 3. Study plan, financial plan, and entrance exam

    If you are selected to continue to the next round of the admissions process, we ask you to provide a study plan and a financial plan to show how you plan to navigate student life at PPLE College.

    Secondly, you will be given access to study materials, and your understanding of these materials will be examined through an online proctored entrance exam.

    Study plan and financial plan

    With your invitation to the second round, you'll also receive templates and detailed instructions on how to write your study plan and your financial plan. The deadline for submitting both plans via the SIS application portal is Friday, 28 March 2025 before 17:00 CET. 

    Please ensure that your submissions are both complete and adhere to the provided template; incomplete submissions, those in a different format or template, or those arriving after the deadline will not be considered.

    Entrance exam

    The second round of the PPLE selection process includes an entrance exam on an interdisciplinary topic. Much like in a regular PPLE course, you will be provided with a lecture and reading materials related to this topic, followed by several days to study them. Your understanding of the materials will then be evaluated through an online proctored exam.

    What to expect from the entrance exam
    • Approximately seven days prior to the entrance exam, you'll have access to both the recorded lecture(s) and the necessary reading materials.
    • The entrance exam is scheduled for Saturday, 29 March 2025, from 14:00 to 16:00 CET (Amsterdam time). You can begin the exam at any point between 14:00 and 15:00 CET. Once you start, you'll have a total of 60 minutes to complete the exam.
    • You can take the proctored exam online from your personal laptop or PC; all you need is a working internet connection, a webcam, and a microphone. You do not need to travel to Amsterdam to take the exam.
    • The exam includes multiple-choice questions and open-answer questions.

    Advancement to the final round of admission 

    The exam results, study plan and financial plan will be evaluated by a member of the PPLE Admissions Office. Based on the quality of all three components as well as your performance in the previous round, the PPLE Selection Committee will decide if you will be invited to the final admissions round. 

  • 4. Interview

    The final round of the PPLE Admissions process is a one-on-one interview with a member of PPLE College’s teaching staff. 

    For us, the interview serves as a valuable opportunity to get to know you better and understand in more detail why you're interested in joining PPLE College. For you, it's a chance to demonstrate both your motivation and readiness for the academic demands of the programme and ask any remaining questions you may have. The study materials covered in the second round could also be discussed during the interview. 

    Interview format  

    The interview will last approximately 20 minutes. It will be conducted using voice-only communication, without video, and will take place on Zoom or a similar online platform.

  • 5. Conditional Offers Issued

    After the interview round, the Admissions Committee convenes for their final meeting to take all aspects of the applications into account and come to their final decision on who is conditionally selected for enrolment to PPLE College. All candidates will be informed of the results of the final selection meeting by email. 

    If you receive a conditional offer you have two weeks to either accept or decline your placement in the programme via the SIS application portal.

  • 6. Finalise your admission

    If you receive a positive response after the final selection meeting, please note that the offer of admission is always conditional. In order to finalise your admission to PPLE College, you must demonstrate that you have met all of our minimum entrance requirements by 20 July 2025*.

    *a different deadline applies to A-level and Irish Leaving Certificate applicants who have not yet graduated at the time of application

    Certified Documents

    In order to demonstrate that you have met our entrance requirements, you must mail certified hardcopies of your documents to the PPLE Admissions Office by 20 July. Mailing instructions will be provided to conditional offer holders via email.

    We recommend that you watch the following video on how to make certified hardcopies of your documents before mailing your documents to us: