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On 16 May, PPLE and the UvA Sustainability Platform will be hosting the symposium 'Turning the Tide - Behavioural Change for Climate Action'. Join us for a programme that centres around ways to change our behaviour in order to make climate action more effective. The topic will be scrutinised from a political, psychological, legal and economic angle, as is key to PPLE's interdiscplinary nature.
Event details of Turning the Tide - Behavioural Change for Climate Action
16 May 2023
13:00 -17:00
Roeterseilandcampus, Room A3.01 (Seminar room of the Law Faculty)


** Doors open at 12:30, programme starts at 13:00 ** 

Expect five interesting speakers who will bring us their expertise on the topic of behaviour change for climate action: 

  • Climate change before the courts: trends and prospects - Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh, sustainability law, UvA
  • Changing behaviour- systemic versus individualistic approaches and the importance of combining approaches for effective policy - Jetske Bouma, environmental economist at PBL
  • Psychological tools for encouraging conservation behaviours - Cameron Brick, Social psychology UvA
  • What sets citizens in motion? Experiences from practice - Pauline Westendorp,, energy community movement Amsterdam
  • Lessons from the trenches -  Chris Julien, Extinction Rebellion/PhD candidate Utrecht University


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